Update - 08/28/06 - Canada won’t block Internet hate

Canada's telecommunications regulator (CRTC) rejected a bid by a lawyer to block access to U.S.-based hate websites that call for the ``violent overthrow'' of the Canadian government and the ``extermination'' of Jews in this country.

The application to the CRTC described Bill White of Roanoke, Va., as a neo-Nazi who has encouraged people to "take violent action" against Warman and even posted his home address on the sites.

He argued the websites communicate hate and advocate genocide, which are offences under the Criminal Code.

Although the sites are beyond the reach of Canadian law, the CRTC has the rarely used power to order Internet providers to temporarily block them from Canadian web surfers.

On Thursday, the CRTC said the unprecedented nature of Warman's request raises ``serious and fundamental issues.'' In a letter to the law firm representing Warman, the commission said it would be inappropriate to consider granting the interim order without first giving Internet carriers and other interested parties the opportunity to comment.

``Such a public process would allow for consideration of the broader policy and legal issues regarding the scope, and appropriate use, of the commission's powers,'' stated secretary-general Diane Rheaume.

One of the websites, hosted by Google's weblog service Blogger, was taken offline Wednesday.

"We want Blogger to enable free expression, including the hosting of views and opinions that are unpopular," Google spokesman Steve Langdon said.

"However, advocating violence against a person is not acceptable."

A Canadian Lawyer has Appealed to the CRTC (Canadian FCC to Censor American Web Sites)

An unprecedented blow was slapped on free speech on Wednesday August 23rd when Ottaw based Lawyer Richard Warman, asked the CRTC to force Internet providers to block access to two U.S. Based websites.

In his application Warman accuses the google blogsites of being operated by a "Notorious" Nazi sympathizer and contained material to incite violence against him and that he now fears for his life because of these websites.

Google spokesperson Steve Langdon was quoted as saying in defence of free speech "We want Blogger to enabel free expression, inbluding the hosting of views and opinions that are unpopular"

Entries on the websites have called for the "violent overthrow" of the Canadian government and the "extermination" of Jews in Canada

The author of this article although not an advocate of the propagation of hatred does stand up for free speech. It's unfortunate that some people fall prey to this rhetoric but I will fight for them to publish it and make it available. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and its up to us to listen to it or not

Just Say No To Censorship in any Form